Sunday, May 30, 2010

Domestic Terrorism and Foreign Terrorism

There are two forms of terrorism being tracked by the Department Homeland Security, law enforcement agencies, the FBI, and the U.S. military. The first is what we hear the most about -- the foreign terrorists like those working for Al Qaeda. The second is domestic terrorism and this involves American extremists who think that the United States government is coming after their guns, building concentration camps, and trying to make America part of a one-world government. Some of these people are building bombs, training for violence against federal government officials by training in the woods as "militias," and organizing in the way that Timothy McVeigh did when he planned the Oklahoma bombing that occurred in 1995.

Friday, May 28, 2010

What Do We Do To Make Debate More Civil?

There are so many attacks on others (people, groups, nations, organizations, parties) in today's debate settings, one might wonder  how rational and civil discourse can be brought back. We need more serious deliberation and most people seem to sense this without knowing how to achieve it.